Wednesday, May 12, 2010

let's accessorize!

0512002007Check out my adorable new bag!

My friend Jessica is a consultant for Thirty-One Gifts, so I recently snagged this bag from her.  It was hard to decide which product I wanted, but ultimately I went with this Organizing Shoulder Bag to supplement Asher's full-size diaper bag.

See, he has several medical supplies that I feel like I need to have with me if we drive somewhere; however, I don't necessarily feel like they need to be literally with me at all times - just within walking distance.  So the plan is to have the diaper bag packed and in the car at all times, but then to have this smaller bag to carry around in stores and whatnot.

This bag is the *perfect* solution.

It's small and stylish (you can't really see the design on the bag in this pic - it has printed swirly things on it), but plenty big enough for all the essentials (which, in my case, are three diapers, baby wipes, eczema cream, hand sanitizer, disposable changing pads, a pukey towel and extra outfit, a Tide-to-Go pen, two toys, and my keys.


I'm so excited, because Asher is getting heavy, and I was ready to lighten the load in some way.  Carrying this bag with me and keeping his bigger one in the car is the perfect solution.

If you've been looking for something like this, check out her website - they have tons of stuff.   This particular bag is on pages 18 and 19 of the catalog.

Anyway, Asher had a good day today.  He threw up his morning feeding, which didn't thrill me, but he was happy as a lark after that.  We're seeing some progress on the "More" sign, as well as on saying the word "bubbles" (which, in Asher speak, is "buh buh buh buh buh").  He's not consistent yet, but both therapists think that the above two things were intentional.

Tomorrow we go back for PT, and they were supposed to get a new KidWalk walker in to try out for a few days.  I doubt we'll put Asher in it, but I'd like a chance to eyeball it in person.  The videos of it are pretty darn cool.  It's also the first day he has PT before early intervention, so we'll see how he does (he was kind of fussy on Tuesday with back-to-back feeding and PT... tomorrow has a bit longer break in between, though).

Oh, and an update on the stroller/wheelchair dilemma: we've decided to have our insurance buy a wheelchair and we'll just buy a stroller OOP.  There's even a small chance that a friend of mine will be able to give us her daughter's old one!  She gave it to her PT not too long ago, but if the PT hasn't found someone for it yet then she'll give it to us.  More than likely it's been passed on, but the gesture is awesome nonetheless.  If that doesn't work out, thanks to some friends I'm now aware that Maclaren and others actually have "regular" strollers that have a higher weight limit than what we're using now.  We're working on setting up an appointment with the Wheelchair Clinic at VCH to get Asher sized and see what our options are, which will hopefully happen over the summer (there's a bit of a wait to get in).

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