Wednesday, May 26, 2010

adventures in tube feeding

It is a rare occasion that I am up this early.  Granted, I know that to most of you 8:00am is a far cry from "early," but on a typical day my alarm goes off at 9:00am.  Asher doesn't usually get up until 10:00am.  His feeding pump goes off between 7:00 and 8:00, though, depending on how promptly we got him to bed the night before, so every once in awhile I just stay up after turning off the pump alarm that indicates that his overnight feed is finished.
Days like today I stay up just because it seems more appealing than going back to bed.  But sometimes I stay up because his med port has come open at some point during the course of the night and he's lying in a giant puddle of formula.
Yes, it's as gross as it sounds.
It baffles me how the kid can sleep through being drenched in cold, sticky, wet formula.  It's not something I've personally experienced, of course, but I would think that those sensations would wake me up at some point.
Not Asher.  It isn't something that happens very often, but every time I've gone into his room to find him like that, he's been sound asleep.  I REALLY wish he would wake up, because then I wouldn't have this horrible feeling that my poor baby has been sitting in formula for goodness knows how long and the mess could at least be minimized.  A friend of mine whose daughter gets overnight tube feedings says that her daughter sleeps through it as well, so it's not just an Asher thing, apparently.
Frankly, I think he does it because he likes morning baths and he knows it's the only way mommy will gather up the motivation to give him one so early.  ;)

1 comment:

  1. He knows what he wants and how to get it...He's slick like that! Tub pics make my heart happy! :)
