Tuesday, May 18, 2010

the balancing act

image from www.thecolor.com Well, it's finally happened.  I knew this day would come, but I held out as long as I could.

Asher is officially in therapy five days a week.  In the long run it's actually a better schedule for us than what we were doing, but it was always nice having that one day "off."

He's bumping up to twice a week feeding appointments (which he really needs), so he'll be seen right after speech on Monday and then again on Friday.  Though I'm losing my day, it really helps me out because Tuesdays had a weird gap in them between feeding and PT, so that makes things easier there.

Then again, our PT time isn't officially "locked in" yet.  We're going week-to-week right now, it just happens that Tuesdays and Thursdays are working out... hopefully we can secure that as a regular time slot soon.  As much as I liked having a free day, it's really easier to manage if I'm not juggling multiple appointments at multiple locations in the same morning.


  1. hope it works out for you...just tell Chad you need an extra coffe night with the ladies!...

  2. I like the way you think!

  3. you know we just can't get enough of Asher! Has he signed "more" for you at home yet?

  4. Not yet. Little bugger...

  5. I hope the schedule changes continue to be a positive thing for ya.
