Saturday, May 29, 2010

The Homeschool Library

0529001515 To answer your first question, no, we haven't decided to homeschool Asher.  ;)

That said, there have been some things happening within our school system lately in relation to the special ed department that make me somewhat uncomfortable.  I'm not one of those people who believes that just because something happens to one person it will automatically happen to me, but I'm also not one of those people who thinks it can't.

Asher will enter into the special ed pre-k program in March (after his 3rd birthday).  I truly think it will be good for him to be around other kids and other adults in a new environment.  The question is, what will we do when he's older (K, 1st, 2nd?).  I want Asher to receive the best education possible, and unfortunately, sometimes that doesn't happen in the public school system.

To be clear, I am not dogging on public school in general.  My husband is a teacher, I used to be a teacher, and both of us were educated entirely as public school students.  The problem is that far too often schools are understaffed and underfunded, and when you have a student with high needs such as Asher, sometimes those needs are set aside simply for lack of resources.  And we're not even there yet.  This is entirely theoretical.  I just want to be prepared for whatever comes my way, so I'm starting to build up a homeschool library.  Some of the stuff won't be used till later, but if it's on sale, why not?  ;)  These are my finds from yesterday:

Downsized_0528001358a Counting 1-20 and Tell the Time (w/ wall charts and write-n-wipe pages)

Downsized_0528001359 Write & Slide Math (w/ write-n-wipe pages)

Downsized_0528001400a Peter Rabbit connect-the-dots book

Downsized_0528001400 Scholastic First Dictionary

Downsized_0528001358 Now I'm Reading phonics book sets (1, 2, and 4... they were out of 3)

And there you have it.  Like I said, I'm not really limiting myself by difficulty level if I see a bargain deal, so it's a mish-mash of pre-k to 1 stuff.  Ideally, Asher will receive a wonderful education at school and these can just be supplementary materials for practice at home.  It's win-win the way I see it.

Oh, and as far as your second question: will Asher even be able to do some of these things?  I don't know - but I have no reason to think he can't, so he will be presented with every opportunity.


  1. It never even crossed my mind he wouldnt be able to do it, he will!! And things like that are always great to have because kids love to learn (usually!).

  2. You always get the best finds!
