Sunday, May 2, 2010

and they called it... puppy loooooove

When I was pregnant with Asher, the occasional person would ask me, "so what are you guys going to do with the dog once the baby comes?"

I always thought this was a silly question.  What were we going to do with the dog?  Err... nothing?  I think it was just assumed that tiny babies and 75 pound Boxadors did not go together.

Au contraire.

Sebastian has always been SO good with Asher.  If Asher's doing tummy time on the floor he steps gently around him (actually, he prefers to just not go near him then).  He sniffs his head, and from time to time gives him a hearty lick.  He's just great.  They're buds.  And now Asher's to the point where Sebastian excites and interests him, and he wants to pet him and tug on him - which Sebastian tolerates beautifully.

I've always believed pets (and animals in general) are good for the soul.  They teach us something about life and God that another person simply can't - there is something about them that remains pure that has been long tarnished in humanity.  I'm glad Asher has Sebastian and the trio of felines to show him things that Chad and I can't.


  1. I totally agree with you. Everyone always asked us the same thing and it drove me nuts. I actually know someone who put their cat down just bc she was pregnant - what a heartless, selfish, moran. Without our animals, all 8 of them life would not be the same. Emily Janes loves our fur babies to the fullest and they feel they same about her.

  2. the video is absolutly adorable...
    I agree fur-babies are just as important as human babies... some people just don't realize that they have souls and love us uncondintionally

  3. Sabastian ROCKS! as do Yogurt, Angus, and that other one....

  4. Sebastian is a wonderful dog. <3
