I should warn you that this is a vent. If you're not down with that sort of thing you can go ahead and skip the rambling that is to follow.
WHY is it that I have to justify my level of productivity since I stay home with Asher? Why on earth do people assume that I sit around all day doing nothing? Listen, I'm not saying that I have the hardest job in the world by any stretch of the imagination, nor do I deny the fact that staying at home allows for a certain level of flexibility that a 9-5 job doesn't.
But, as John Stossell would say, GIVE ME A BREAK.
Quitting time? I'm never truly off work. Ever. Oh, I get out of the house fairly regularly, but most of the time it's for some productive purpose, and even if it's not, I'm always "on call," if you will.
Weekends? What are those?
A full night's sleep? I don't know what that is. Asher's tube feeding means I get up at 2:00 AM every morning to switch out his formula because it can't hang any longer than 5 hours before being at risk of spoiling.
Finishing a single blog post without being interrupted? Nope. Asher is now sitting in my lap while I finish typing because he was no longer happy in his roundabout, and the only other person in the house isn't even awake anymore.
Oh yeah, and then there's all the stuff that has nothing to do with Asher. I have to do all that, too.
Here's today's list:
Feeding therapy
changed 2 nasty (I repeat, nasty) diapers
fed Asher
made ours and Asher's beds
5 loads of laundry (washed, dried, folded, put away)
cleaned dishes/counters/stove
cleaned espresso machine
bleached and deep cleaned Asher's bath tub
cleaned out vanity
took out trash
cleaned pool
wiped off outdoor table
swept porch and sidewalk
stored stuff that doesn't belong in the house in the garage
checked CM and TMN since I volunteer for them
scored for Pearson
designed graphic for church website
made dinner and put away leftovers
put away ridiculously huge blanket
changed litter box and put away pellets
organized Chad's dresser
walked and fed the dog
had QT
But other than that I didn't do anything except check facebook and play with Asher, so I see where they're coming from.
I am sorry someone made you feel that way, Cayla. That person obviously has no insight whatsoever into your real life.
ReplyDeleteCayla I would never say you did nothing all day. You are a very good parent and I am always bragging about your money managing skills. You should never let anyones narrow minded thoughts interrupt your very productive days.
ReplyDeleteI am right there with you... I'm ready to curl up into a ball and just cry... but HEY at least I don't have a JOB! @@ *sigh* Hang in there!!!
ReplyDeleteThe most important persons in your life know how hard you work and all you do....God, Chad and Asher...okay, well Asher may not know and/or understand it all, but I bet he appreciates it! :-)
ReplyDeleteBeing a SAHM is very underrated...to say the least. I could go on a similar yet opposite rant about why people have children only to give them to someone else to raise....but that won't make you feel any better. Bottom line is that Jesus calls us to be selfless... and you are demonstrating that...I think it makes some uncomfortable....perhaps they attack or are defensive because they aren't (selfless).
Pray for them, pray for yourself...and then pray some more. Hang in there. I will be praying too.
I completely understand where you are coming from. As you know. . .I'm in the exact same boat, but you do a ton more than I do. . .you win. I would pay you if I could, but most times the state won't pay Jack his disability. . .poop.
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't do very well with it cold. I've thought about that before, but he seems to throw up a lot more with cold formula vs. room temp. :(