Today we officially became members of our church. We've been attending for so long that the pastor didn't even realize we weren't members. Ha! In all fairness, we went to the membership class about three years ago, prior to Asher even being in the picture. I think we were still living on campus, even. Anyway, we finally got around to making it official, so woot!
As a church, we're in the process of making a very big decision in regard to relocating. Our lease is ending and it's time to move on. We basically have two options before us as it stands now: 1) buy a building and renovate it so that it's up to par, or 2) go "mobile" and meet at a high school every Sunday.
When I look at the two options, the first thing that comes to mind is which one is best for Asher. I, personally, am okay with either one. The high school model actually has worked extremely well for two other churches here in town, and it's always fun to turn tradition on its head a little. ;)
That said, I can't help but think that the permanent building is the better option. Going mobile requires a weekly set-up and tear-down crew, and while I think we would have a solid group of hardcore folks more than willing to help out early on, I also think it would get old fast and help would start to dwindle - and unfortunately, we're just so small that there aren't that many people to rotate through when someone gets worn down or needs a break.
Case in point: the lady who was in charge of the nursery (i.e. scheduled workers) has moved on to other things, so that position is now open at church and has been for a month or so now. I went in to drop Asher off this morning, and I saw a sign-up sheet for the next several weeks for people to work in the nursery... a blank sign-up sheet. Now, it had just been put up this week, so it isn't like it was going to be full. But just the idea that some of those spots might not get filled, and that need might not get met, makes me nervous. And this is in a building where we don't need a set-up and tear-down crew.
(stopping to add: no, my name is not on the list - I will gladly serve in my church, but not in the nursery... I need that respite, which is something that I know not everyone understands, and that's okay)
Anyway, I do worry about having enough hands to get everything done, especially on a weekly basis. And if we have trouble getting people in the nursery now, how much harder will it be then?
Regardless of which direction we go, I will follow and make the best of it. I really don't think going mobile will be a horrible thing if that's the route we take. Yes, I have concerns, but if we head that direction I will find a way to overcome them. And I truly think that either option is a step in a positive direction for our church, so I hope I'm not making it sound otherwise. It's just interesting to me how my decision-making is affected now that I'm a parent. B.A. (Before Asher) I can guarantee you that I would have been ALL ABOUT going mobile at a high school. I really love the concept. But now, I see everything through the lens of how it suits Asher, so I lean in a completely different direction. Ah, parenthood.
I totally hear you on the not volunteering in nursery. I don't really get a choice but if I did I wouldn't!!
ReplyDeleteAs a P.K. - a church in a high school is a challenge. On the one hand- its cheap. Its different, kinda nichey. On the other though, set up and tear down is a problem. It's difficult when a church doesn't have any sort of place to meet through the week, especially makes holidays a real problem. Dads church is in a gym, and even though they are awesome about everything- we couldn't do an Ash Wednesday or Maunday Thursday service, even though he traditionally has one. Trying to figure out storage, classrooms, nursery, etc is a nightmare. Plus- advertisement and growth of the church is very different. It can be done, but its kind of a nightmare.