Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Changes_next_exitThey're on the horizon.  Asher's PT is moving back to her hometown with her family, meaning - obviously - that she won't be seeing Asher anymore.  She's been with us pretty much since he came home from the NICU, so it's quite the bummer.  I'm happy that they will no longer be slaves to the military lifestyle, but sad because I'm selfish like that.

We do have him set up with another pediatric PT here in town.  She's at a different clinic, but I've heard really good things about her.  She apparently worked at Vandy for quite awhile and has lots of experience.  Most people seem to think we'll be in good hands, so I feel comfortable with that.

I also feel comfortable thinking about their waiting room chairs:


Look at those!  Yes, it's petty... but dude, when your butt has to sit there for an hour twice a week, it'll start to matter to you, too.  ;)

Also in the mix is a new feeding appointment time.  His former feeding therapist (whom we LOVED and was really great with him) is now working elsewhere, so we've been without for a few weeks.  It's just hard to work something into Asher's schedule when he has so many other therapies, plus accounting for his feeding schedule.  The therapist that is going to start seeing him worked with him on speech while his other SLP was out on maternity leave, so she's already familiar with him, and us with her.

We've been really blessed with great therapists - which is a good thing considering how much time we spend with them.  Praying that trend continues.

So to all of Asher's therapists, old and new - thank you for everything you do for us!


  1. You're welcome! Now, don't make me cry.

  2. Hope thinks work out fantastically. <3
