Thursday, June 17, 2010

the time has come

For the handicap placard.

We probably could have gotten it awhile back, but I wanted to wait until Asher was at least 2 before getting one.  Now that his wheelchair is on the way, it was time.
I guess the coveted parking space is one of the "perks" of living with a physical disability.  Don't get me wrong - I'd make everything better and walk from the back of the lot every time - but as Monty Python said, always look on the bright side of life.  :)

1 comment:

  1. I think it's great that now you'll have it as an option to use. Sometimes you may still want to park in the back of the lot and take a nice long stroll into a store...but at least you'll have it for those times it's far more convenient or even feels necessary! I'm still excited to see this chair w/ light-up wheels!
