Tuesday, December 14, 2010

this n that

So it seems I haven't updated in ages.  Yikes.

You see, I THOUGHT we would be moving and I would pick the blog back up after we moved, but the contract we had on the house fell through, so that won't be happening.  Might as well give an update then, right?

As far as house stuff goes, our listing expires in March.  If the house sells by then... hooray!  We'll move into a larger place and settle in there.  If it doesn't sell by then... hooray!  We'll be making some fun updates to this house and enjoying our stay for a few more years.  I'm honestly okay with whatever direction the Lord has for us at this juncture.  Each avenue has its pros and cons, and He ultimately knows what is best.  Chad might not have such peace about it right now - and not that I blame him, as he is the handyman when things go wrong in our little 1950s cottage - but he'll come around.

Asher is doing great.  He's been practicing in the walker at PT and is doing quite well.  Still settling in, but definitely taking some legit steps.  The other therapies are kinda at a standstill.  Or maybe I should say the progress isn't as consistent.  He has good days and bad.  He is getting quite a bit better about accepting different textures and flavors in his mouth without gagging, which is huge.  Eating is still a long way off, I think, but getting that gag under control is a big step.  He uses a few signs intentionally - "more," "play/music," and "all done" are some that we've seen.  He also waves bye-bye when he's in the mood (sometimes with prompting, and sometimes without).

He's also slowly learning to use his chair.  One thing that gives him trouble is that when he's sitting on the floor, he uses his core to scoot across the floor, and he tries to use that same technique in the chair vs. using his arms to propel the wheels.  He does the same thing in the walker (using his core instead of his legs).  He'll figure it out.

One thing he's figured out lately is how to sit up on his own!  He's been able to sit for awhile, of course, but if he was lying down he couldn't get into the sitting position.  Now he can roll to his belly, push up on "big arms," and swing his legs around into a sitting position.  Not technically the way he's supposed to sit up, but it works for him.  I'm really proud of him for figuring it out all on his own.

Anyway, there you have it.  If you don't hear from me again before then, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the update! Love to read about the progress.
    Merry Christmas
