Thursday, July 29, 2010


We had Asher's Transition meeting with the school system the other day.  The lady who typically runs it was out, so another person stepped in.  We went over our rights, which Chad and I are already both familiar with due to our teaching backgrounds.  Then we talked about specific questions related to Asher.

One of the main ones I've had is where he would be going to school.  We literally live right on a zoning line.  The school we're zoned to (St. B) doesn't have a special needs preschool classroom, so all kids zoned there go to Rossview.  I prefer for Asher to go to the elementary school that's right around the corner, Glenellen.  It's MUCH closer to us than Rossview is, and I'm going to be driving him anyway.  It's looking like it will be possible through Chad's contract, which states:

Teachers may enroll children for whom they are legal guardian in the
school nearest to their respective schools of employment, subject to
the following conditions: The teacher will submit a written plan for
having the child dropped off and picked up at the appropriate times.
This report will be submitted to the principal of the school where
the child is enrolled at the time of enrollment for his or her approval.
No child will be left unattended; and no school employee will assume
responsibility for teacher's child either before or after school. The
principal of the school in which the teacher wishes to enroll the child
will be the approving authority for enrollment. Principals will be
held responsible for enforcing the provision at their respective
Article XXVI, Memorandum of Agreement, section D (emphasis added)
The closest school to Chad's place of employment is Northeast, which doesn't have a special needs preschool.  The next closest is Hazelwood - also no SN preschool.  The NEXT closest is - you guessed it - Glenellen.
So we shall see.
p.s. a friend pointed out the other day that Glenellen's mascot is a Turtle... how perfect is that!?  Slow and steady wins the race!


  1. Ohhh I SO hope you get in there!!! We noticed the turtle right away, too!!! Keep us posted!

  2. hehe, Renee - you're the friend that pointed it out! Read it on your blog. ;)
